Ben Cash (Viggo Mortensen), his wife Leslie and their six children live deep in the wilderness of Washington state. Isolated from society, Ben and Leslie devote their existence to raising their kids – educating them to think critically, training them to be physically fit and athletic, guiding them in the wild without technology and demonstrating the beauty of co-existing with nature. When Leslie dies suddenly, Ben must take his sheltered offspring into the outside world for the first time. 1. CHOOSE THREE OF THESE THEMES AND GIVE YOUR ELABORATE OPINION ABOUT THEM. MAKE SURE YOU USE ARGUMENTS. DO RESEARCH IF NECESSARY. Home-schooling Technology Birth control Religion Social skills Consumerism Discipline Hunting and growing your own food Knowledge Civilization Parenting Basic needs 2. EXPLAIN THE USE OF THE FOLLOWING PHRASES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE MOVIE. IF YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH THEM, MAKE SURE YOU UNDER...
Technical English III - 6th year - EPET 12